Senin, 23 Januari 2012

Adventures in Two Different World

Adventures in Two Different World
      “Surat apa ini….”.
Surat itu tiba-tiba muncul didepan rumahku.Surat yang dibungkus dengan rapi meninggal setangkai mawar merah.Aku megambilnya tanpa pertanyaan.Tapi sekarang aku malah berpikir kalau surat ini adalah sebuah undangan untuk menghadiri pesta minum the.Aku membukannya dan berharap jika imajinasiku tepat,tapi jika salah aku pasti akan sangat sedih.Aku membukanya berhati-hati melepaskan sang  mawar merah agar bunga yang kusukai itu tidak rusak.”sebenarnya aku ingin membukannya dan kutunjukkan kepada kak inge dan kak icha.Tapi kurasa lebih baik jika aku sendiri yang melihatnya.”.Saat kubuka kulihat tulisan tanggan yang begitu rapi.Tertulis dalam bahasa Indonesia juga bahasa inggris.
Dear my beloved girl
Saya ingin megundang anda ke mansion saya
Saya harap anda datang kepesta yang snagat megah hanya untuk anda seorang.
Tapi saya harap anda tidak membawa keluarga anda karena itu sangatlah tidak menyenangkan.
Saya akan memberikan petanya jika anda menerbangkan kelopak mawar yang saya kasih untuk menyeggel surat ini.
Saya menunggu anda pada tanggal 26 aggustus 2011.
Jam 00:00
To Miss Ully from Romeo.
“Bercanddanya sudah terlalu keterlaluan.Mansion yang mana.Belum lagi hari itu adalah ulang tahunku bulan lalu,Sekarang kan sudah tanggal 26 september 2011.dan juga bagaimana mereka tau namaku dna apa-apaan romeo itu memangnya aku Juliet”.Kubuang kertas itu.Tapi karena eman kuambil lagi dan kusimpan dengan sanggat baik.Sedangkan sang mawar ku taruh di tempat paling aman.Aku megambil sepedaku hadiak dari adikku U.r.Dia memlilihkannya sendiri dan berharap kalau diriku akan menyukainya.Ya sebenarnya aku snagta menyukainya,tapi karena terlalu sibuk membersihkan rumah aku suka lupa untuk membersihkannya.Aku pergi meniggalkan rumah,dan berpura-pura pergi dan bilang pergi kerumah nenekku untuk meggambil sesuatu.Rumahnya dekat disini,tapi rumahnyamausk keperumahan,sedangkan aku di jalan raya.Tempat ini sendiri adalh perumahan yang elit dan tidak elit.Tapi banyak sekali orang-orang yang membersihkan rumah ini.Setiap perumahan ada nama-namanya sendiri.Sedangkan rumah yang kutinggali bernama Taman Anthena..Tapi sesungguhnya aku pergi untuk  melepas seluruh kelopak mawar mengikuti intruksi yang ada di surat itu.Entah apa yang akan terjadi tapi kulakukan untuk menghilangkan rasa penasaranku.”Yap.Sudah selesai tinggal menunggu nanti malam jam 12.”.Dan aku pergi dengan terburu-buru,karena takut ada yang melihat aksiku.
”Dia melakukan seperti yang seharusnya tuan.”Seorang laki-laki yang menyamar sebagai satpam yang melihat aksi Ully membuang kelopak mawar itu.
“Bagus kemabalilah sekarang.”Dan orang yang menyamar sebagai satpam menutup teleponya.Dan pergi menghilang.

 Bagus aku kembali dari rumah papa dan nenekku.Ayah dan juga adikku tinggal bersama nenekku.Buka karena ayah dan mamaku bertengkar atau bercerai.Tapi karena kami tinggal dirumah yang hanya memiliki 4 kamar termasuk kamar pembantu.Dan setiap malam aku harus pergi makan disana.Aku membuka pintu rumah seperti biasa.Tidak ada keanehan yang terjadi.Aku tau semua itu hanyalah kebohongan.Malam setelah semua orang tertidur dna mengucpkan selamat ulang tahun untukku.Aku melihat sekali lagi keraah  jam.Jam dinding menujukkan jam 01:30.Sudah setengah 2 dan tidak ada perubahan.Tidak ada orang mengedor-ngedor pagar untuk dibukakan.Kakak dan juga mamaku sudah tertidur.Hanya ada kucing yang terjaga.Tapi dia masuk kekamar dan ikut tidur di  tempat tidur yang kutiduri.Nebu nama kucingku.Aku mencoba tidur,walau tidak bisa tidur akupun tertidur.Ada suara gaduh di dapur.Aku terpaksa bangun dan pergi menuju dapur untuk melihat apa yang ada disana.Kubuka pintu dan yang kutemukan seorang anak laki-laki yang duduk di depan tempat cuci piring,dia memegang pukulan lalat atau pukulan untuk kecoak yang memang banyak keluar saat musim hujan dan rumah ini akan menjadi kebun binatang yang terdiri dari,lalat,nyamuk,kucing,hamster,kodok,kecoak,dan juga hamster.Marmut,kucing dan juga hamster adalah peliharaan kami.U.rpun juga memiliki hewan peliharaan yaitu kucing juga,yang lebih liar tapi sangat pintar.Dari pada liar lebih tepatnya suak bermain.Anak itu memukul dan membuat kegaduhan.”Berhentilah melakukannya!!!”aku berteriak dengan sangat kecil agar kakak danjuga mamaku tidka terbangun.Anak laki-laki itu menoleh tersenyum,di tanggan kirinya dia memegang antena kecoa dan pergi untuk membuka pintu yang sama sekali tidak terkunci,dan melemparnya keluar.Sekarang aku jadi paham kenapa dia bisa masuk kesini.Laki-laki itu menoleh dan tersenyum.Lalu dia pergi berlari melewati pintu dapur.Dia berlari dan loncat melewati tembok pagar yang cukup tinggi.Dia ninja ya? Pikirku yang melantur.Aku mengejarnya menutup pintu dapur dan berlari melewati jemuran handuk.Aku sangat alih dalam memanjat tembok pagar.Itu adalah kealianku saat masih kecil.Tapi tentu saja karena bukan ninja dan juga agak susah dengan kecempatan tinggi.Aku menaiki tempat lampu yang sudah rusak karena lemparan gulling mama.Menaikinya dan melompat keluar.Beruntunglah aku sedang memakai baju tidur yang hangat dan juga denga celana yang menutup seluruh kakiku.Udara malam itu sangatlah dingin jadi sangat beruntung aku memakainya saat malam.Kuambil sandal empuk yang biasa aku pakai.Sandal merah dengan bola-bola berbentuk anggur berwarna hijau.Dan memanjatnya dengan cepat.Saat aku melopat ada perasaan bahagia aku seperti ‘Charlies angels’ yang sedang mengejar penjahat.Mataku mengejar bayangan laki-laki itu,dia ada di bawah lampu jalan.Melambaikan tangganya menyuruhku untuk kesana dan menangkapnya.Aku berlari kencang.Dan kulihat dia di bawah sinar lampu.Hanya ada kami berdua disana.Dia tersenyum lalu menjentikkan jarinya.Muncullah lubang yang sangat besar dari tanah,yang menjatuhkan kami berdua.

       Kubuka mataku.Kulihat awan yang disinari oleh matahari yang sangat terik.Membuatku terbangun.Kepalaku sakit karena terbengtur saat jatuh,kakiku penuh dengan lecet-lecet.Tapi ini hal yang sangat biasa untukku.Di sekitar sana banyak sekali pohon-pohon dan tanaman-tanaman hijau.Dan juga hewan-hewan penhuni hutan.Suara germerisik dari arah hutan yang lebih lebat.Sesosok bocah laki-laki seumuran diriku keluar membawa ranting-ranting pohon.Rambutnya yang coklat kemerehan,kulit putih,serta mata hijau yang mempesona,membuatnya begitu terlihat tampan.Tapi aku tidak akan dikelabui oleh bocah yang sudah menjatuhkanku ketempat asing ini.Aku beridiri walau masih kesusahan.”Gara-gara kamu aku ada disini.Cepat kembalikan aku ke rumah!!!!”kataku berteriak.Bocah itu hanya bingung,tapi dia juga membalasnya dengan berteriak.”Aku tidak mengerti apa yang kaukatakan!!!.”kata bocah itu membalas.Sebelum aku sempat marah lagi,seorang laki-laki yang lebih tua dari aku dan juga dia keluar,dia juga membawa sekarung ranting.Rambutnya yang hitam begitu terang dan terlihat begitu halus.Ramping dan juga tinggi serta putih.”Ada apa?”Tanya laki-laki yang lebih dewasa.”Cewek ini seenaknya menyalahkanku akan sesuatu yang tidak pernah kulakukan.”Laki-laki itu hanya melihatku sekilas dan kembali melihat cowok itu lagi.Dia member karungnya ketangan cowok rambut merah itu.Dan berjalan kearahku.”apa yang kau lakukan ?”tanyaku.Dia diam dan menggendongku bagai seorang tuan putri.”Huawchi!!”.Kataku dengan kata-kata yang tidak jelas,bisa diartikan sebagai huwaa.”Kau terluka dan lebih baik kamu kami bawa kerumah.dan setelah itu aku harap kamu menjelaskan semuanya kepada kami.”katanya berjalan menggedonku.Aku megganguk dengan cepat sampai rasanya leherku akan copot.Cowok tadi hanya berjalan didepan.Sebenarnya aku tidak marah,hanya aku takut disini,seakan-akan ada seseorang yang melihatku dan memata-mataiku.

     Rumah itu lebih terlihat seperti pondok.Pondok yang sangat sederhana.Laki-laki yang lebih tua menurunkan aku di kursi yang sangat empuk.”itu buatan tanggan tau.”kata  cowok yang kuteriakkin tadi.Dia keliatan sangat marah karena di tuduh dan diterikakin seperti itu.Laki-laki yang lebih tua mengobati kakiku.Aku berterima kasih dan dia hanya tersenyum.Dia menggullung celana yang kupakai dan menggobatinya.Setelah selesai membalut kakiku dia berjalan dan duduk di kursi kayu yang ada ukirannya.Keliatannya itu juga buatan tanggan pikirku.Sedangakan cowok yang satu lagi duduk di sampingku,tapi sangat jauh.Dan aku hanya bisa merasa bersalah atas apa yang kulakukan padanya tadi.”Baiklah kita mulai dari perkenalan.Namaku Choi Chung gang tapi panggil saja Chung gang.Dia yang duduk disebelahmu namanya Hibari igarashi.Dia adikku tapi kami tidak memilki hubungan darah.Umurnya masih limabelas tahun sedangkan aku tujuhbelas kami Cuma beda dua tahun.Rumah ini kami sendiri yang membuatnya.Kami juga yang membuat seluruh perabotan disin,dan hanya tinggal berdua.Saat kami bertemu denganmu itu,kami sedang mencari kayu bakar,udara disini akan segera dingin jika sudah sore.Kami sudah memperkenalkan kamiSekarang silakan”katanya menyudahi kata-katanya.Aku menngaguk dan menelan ludah sebelum aku memulai ceritaku.”Namaku Annawai Ullynuha Lakawa tapi kalian boleh memanggilku Ully.Aku baru saja merayakan ulang tahunku yang kelimabelas tahun.ehm..lalu.Aku menemukan surat di depan rumahku.Surat itu menyebutkan tentang mansion.Dan ehm…ada setangkai mawar merah di atas surat itu.Sesuai petunjuk aku menjabut kelopak mawar dan membuangnya ke langit,itu berati aku mengatakan ‘iya’ untuk pergi ke sana.Di surat itu tertulis akan ada peseta super besar untukku.Ya sbeenarnya itu sedikit tidak masuk akal,tapi aku memutuskan untuk mencobanya.Walaupun di suratnya tertulis tanggal 26 agustus,tapi sebenarnya sekarang sudah tanggal 26 september.Lalu walau sudah lewat jam12 malam tidak terjadi apapun.Sampai akhirnya sudah jam setengah 2.Walau aku sudah tertidur aku mendengar suara dari dapur.Seorang anak laki-laki yang mukanya mirip dengan hibari-san.Lalu dia berlari keluar.Aku mengejarnya walau cukup susah.Habisnya maling harus ditangkap kan!!!.”kataku membela diri.”Aku…berhasilnya,tapi..saat aku sudah di depannya muncul lubang besar di bawah kakiku.Dan aku terjatuh disini.”kataku menundukkan kepala menyesal karena telah menggejarnya.Seharusnya aku tidak pernah melakukannya.Mereka mendenggarkan ceritaku dengan sesakma.Angin bertiup kencang membuatku begitu kediginan.Kak Chung gang menggambil selimut dan mengasih kannya kepadaku.Sedangkan Hibari sudah pergi keluar untuk meggambil kayu untuk dibakar di perapian.Walau kakiku sakit aku harus meminta maaf padannya.Keluar menuju derasnya angin.”Aku minta maaf”.Kataku keras agar dia bisa mendenggarnya.Dia hanya diam dan terus menerus memasukkan ranting ke dalam karung.Dia sama sekali tidak memaafkanku.”Masuklah.Aku sudah selesai disini.”katanya berjalan jauh dariku.Aku hampir menanggis,karena takut tidak di maafkan.Biasa aku pasti akan cemas dan dadaku akan sedikit sesak.Taggan hangat mengusap rambutku yang tertepa oleh angin.”Tenang saja aku tidak marah kok’ hal sekecil itu tidak akan membuatku marah.Apalagi memang ada seseorang disini yang bisa membuat mukanya mirip seperti orang lain.Makanya jangan khawatir.”katanya.Usapan tangganya membuat rambutku yang sudah berangtakkan jadi lebih berantakkan.Tapi itu begitu hangat,sama seperti coklat panas yang sekarang kuminum.Yap kami sudah di dalam rumah karena tatapan tajam dari seseorang yang sedang ada di dapur.Coklat panas yang kuminum begitu hangat dan enak.”Buatan Chung gang memang yang paling enak”kata Hibari tersenyum.Dia begitu manis saat tersenyum dan itu membuatku begitu senang.”Ehm….boleh aku Tanya kenapa kalian tidak mencurigaiku sebagai maling dan langsung membawa kerumah kalian begitu saja.”Tanya ku.Mereka melihatku dengan tatapan heran.”jelas sajakan,jika kita melihat orang terluka apa kita akan meninggalkannya begitu saja.Tapi sebenarnya saat pertama kali aku melihatmu aku sudah curiga.Tapi kau malah menuduku tampah sebab.Dan akhirnya aku mengerti dari pakaianmu dan juga kata-katamu itu.Kamu adalah korba yang ke 203.”kata hIbari menyeruput minumannya.”Apa maksudmu?!aku korban ke 203.”kataku heran.Kak Chung gang menaruh minumnya ke atas meja.”Maksud kami adalah…kamu pikir sekarang dirimu ada dimana?”Tanyanya.Kenapa dia yang bertanya balik ya?pikirku.”ehm..aku tidak tau.Tapi keliatannya kalian orang jepang dan juga korea yang tinggal di panti asuhan.Walau baju kalian seperti itu.”kataku.Kak Chung gang menghela napas dan berbisik dengan pelan ‘sudah kuduga’.Walau aku tidak tau maksudnya tapi hal itu dijawab oleh Hibari.”Apa itu jepang dan Korea?apa itu makanan?”tanyanya berbalik bertanya padaku dengan bingung.

Kak  Chung gang meluruskan masalahnya dan menjelaskan semuannya dari awal.Dan tempat dimana aku berada sekarang.”Kami tidak tau apa itu jepang dan juga korea.Tapi yang kami maksud dengan korban ke 203 adalah kamu mainan ke 203 dari dunia atas.Dunia aras adalah dunia dimana kamu tinggal.Kenapa kami menyebut dunia atas,itu karena kalian adalah penghuni pertama di sini dan kami adalah penghuni kedua yang di tempatkan di dunia yang berbeda dengan kalian.Kami tidak bisa kedunia kalian tapi kalian bisa pergi ke dunia kami melalui jalan yang kadang di tunjukkan oleh ’the wanderer’.Mereka tidak memiliki wujud,dan kadang wujud mereka hanyalah asap putih.Tapi mereka bisa berubah wujud berbagai macam bahkan menjadi manusia.Tapi jika kamu bertemu dengan ’the black wanderer’ yang hanya bisa berubah wujud menjadi hewan.Itu berarti kamu hanya dijadikan sebegai mainan mereka.Mereka di tempat ini adalah asap hitam yang berbahaya dna suka memangsa,dan menjadikan manusia dunia atas sebagai mainan mereka.Dan akan berakhir sebagai mayat.Tapi jika kamu di bawah oleh ’the white wanderer’ itu berarti kamu di ijinkan untuk masuk kesini maupun disana.Berarti ada urusan yang harus kau lakukan di dunia ini.Hanya 23 orang termasuk dirimu yang di bawah oleh ’the white wanderer’.Dan sisanya 180 orang sudah ditemukan meninggal dunia.’The white wanderer’hanya menjalankan tugasmya sebagai penyeberang antara dunia sini dan duniamu.Tapi kmai yang tinggal di sini tidak bisa pergi ke dunia atas,kecuali di 1tahun sekali melewati portal yang hanya ada di cermin.”katanya menjawab kebinguganku.”Syukurlah aku di bawah oleh ‘the white wanderer””kataku bernapas lega.”Tapi kenapa kalian tidak tau jepang dan juga korea?padahal kalian pernah pergi ke sana kan’?”tanyaku lagi.Hibari melihatku tajam dengan malas.Matanya lebih terlihat besar dengan warna hijau yang mirip kak Chung gang.”Kau tidak lihat sekitarmu ya.Orang yang bisa melewati cermin itu hanya orang-orang yang memiliki kekayaan.Sedangkan kami tidak memiliki hal itu Ullyyyyyy.”katanya dan meregangkan tubuhnya.”Dulu hal itu tidak pernah terjadi.Orang-orang ynag tidak memilki cukup uang bisa pergi dengan gratis tanpa masalah.Tapi..karena perdana menteri yang baru saja di pilih.Mengerluarkan perintah siapapun yang melalui cermin portal harus membayar sekitar 300 son.”.”300 son itu berapa?”Tanyaku lagi.”ehm aku cukup mengerti perkalian di duniamu.Tapi aku hanya mengerti yang dari negaramu ya.1 son=10.000.10 son=55.000.20 son.=150.00.50 son=1 juta.sedangkan 100 son=100 juta.1000 son=1milyar.1 Beri=1 triliun”.Kata Hibari menoleh ke arahku.”Bagaimana kamu bisa mengerti  tentang rupiah?’Apa kamu pernah ke Indonesia?.”kami pernah ke Indonesia sekali .Karena otakku yang begitu pintar aku langsung hafal semuanya walau saat itu umurku masih 5 tahun.Apalagi aku berharap bisa melihat Indonesia lagi.Dan pergi ke tempat yang kau sebutkan tadi.”Katanya tersenyum.Aku hanya melihatnya heran.Tapi aku juga bahagia ada juga orang yang berharap seperti itu.” Nanti kalau aku bertemu dengan ‘the white wanderer’aku akan mengajak kalian ke rumahku.”Kataku tersenyum yang membut HIbari tertawa tersipu.Sedangkan Kak Chung gang hanya tersenyum.

       Kami menghabiskan makan malam yang dibuat Kak Chung gang.Makannya sederhana tapi begitu enak dan mengenyangkan.Mereka menceritakan makluk apa saja yang tinggal disini.Mulai dari Vampir dan kelemahan mereka,yaitu pada siang hari,mereka akan melemah,tapi tidak terbakar ataupun bersinar.Seperti yang biasa kulihat di flim.Lalu vampire disini tidak takut dengan salib dan juga bawang.Saat aku mengatakanya HIbari malah meledek dan menertawaiku.Lalu selain itu mereka hanya bisa mati jika meminum darah mereka sendiri, dan juga kehabisan darah.Lalu untuk melindungi diri sendiri dari vampie kamu hanya perlu benda yang bisa melukainya di bagian pergelangan tangan.Lalu ada Elf dan kaumnya yang tersebar di dunia ini.Mereka suka dengan hutan,dan benci dengan kekerasan.Kata HIbari mereka lebih baik mengunsi dari pada berperang,Tapi juga ada elf yang tidak seperti itu.Lalu ada juga kucaci.Mereka keras kepala dan suka hidup di gua atau bawah tanah,kasar,tidak dapat dipercaya.Walau kasar.mereka cukup baik.Lalu ada juga hobbit yang sama seperti kurcaci tapi lebih besar dan baik hatinya.Para hobbit cepat berteman dan ramah.Tapi suka berpesta.Penyihir.Manusia.Hewan-hewan yang bisa berbicara.Mahluk-mahluk dari dongeng.Manusia yang memiliki kekuatan.Manusia biasa.Sesuatu yang tidak bisa dilihat.Hantu dan juga tengkorak yang hidup.Serta tumbuhan yang bisa berbicara.Ada pihak baik dan juga jahat.Moster-moster yang mengerikan dan juga tidak.Kak Chung gang munyuruhku untuk tidur di kamar Hibari.Kamarnya kecil tapi rapi dengan satu ranjang yang hanya ada 1bantal dan 1guling.Ada meja kayu dekat dengan jendela dua pintu.Isinya hanya kertas dan buku-buku.Sama seperti di bawah juga banyak buku-buku.”Mereka suka sekali membaca rupanya.”.Di sini begitu menyenangkan dan mereka berdua begitu baik kepadaku.Kak Chung gang bilang kalau besok dia akan mencarikan baju agar aku bisa berbaur dengan mereka.Menyenangkan satu kata ynag bisa kugambarkan untuk hal ini.”ehm.apa ini? Bukankah ini surat yang kutemukan.Bagaimana bisa ada di saku baju tidurku.”.Aku membuka pintu kamar Hibari dan menuju ke dapur dimana kak Chung gang dan Hibari berada.HIbari sedang membersihkan meja sedangkan Kak Chung gang sedang mencuci piring.”Kak Chung gang HIbari ini surat yang kukatakan tadi.”kataku sembari menununjukkan surat yang kubawa di tanganku.Mereka berhenti melakukan perkejaan mereka.HIbari megambil surat yang ada di tanganku dan membacanya. Dear my beloved girl
Saya ingin megundang anda ke mansion saya
Saya harap anda datang kepesta yang snagat megah hanya untuk anda seorang.
Tapi saya harap anda tidak membawa keluarga anda karena itu sangatlah tidak menyenangkan.
Saya akan memberikan petanya jika anda menerbangkan kelopak mawar yang saya kasih untuk menyeggel surat ini.
Saya menunggu anda pada tanggal 26 aggustus 2011.
Jam 00:00
To Miss Ully from Romeo.
“Hei Chung gang bukannya tanggal 26 itu hari jum’at?”.Kata Hibari menoleh kearah kak Chung gang.”Kak Chung gang berpikir keras.”I ya itu hari jum’at.”kata Kak Chung gang.”lalu sekarang tanggal berapa?Maksudku di dunia sini”tanyaku.”Sekarang tanggal hari rabu tanggal24” Hibari menjawabnya.

      Pagi hari adalah hal yang paling menyenangkan.Bangun bersih-bersih rumah sebentar,makan pagi,dan juga mandi.Lalu berangkat ke sekolah adalah hal yang akan kulakukan setiap paginya.Tapi kali ini berbeda.Bangun pagi aku membersihkan rumah orang lain.Dan mandi di tempat orang lain,makan dan minum di tempat orang lain.Serta menunggu orang yang rumahnya kutumpang membawakan baju untukku.Aku duduk di ruang keluarga yang sangat rapi.HIbari juga kak Chung gang pergi ke pasar untuk mencarikan baju untukku juga pakain dalam.Mereka bilang pakaian dalam di dunia atas dan dunia bawah mirip.Aku menyeduh the yang sudah ku bikin sendiri.Udaranya begitu hangat,berbeda dengan kemarin.Udaranya begitu dingin.Sampai rasanya harus memakai baju yang sangat tebal.Aku megambil jaket besar yang Hibari carikan untukku.Jaketnya tebal dan juga hangat.Aku membuka pintu rumah dan berjalan keluar dengan alas kakiku yang kubawa dari dunia atas.Berjalan di sana hanya melihat pepohonan yang begitu indah .Pohon pinus berdiri dengan tegak dan juga tinggi-tinggi.”Ini sungguh menyenangkan sekali.Udaranya begitu sejuk walau tadi malam begitu dingin.”kataku megambil bunga-bunga cantik dan memasukkannya ke keranjang yang kutemukan di kamar Hibari.Kak Chung gang bilang ada juga bunga yang masih bisa bertahan dalam cuaca ekstrim.Nama bungannya Vleclutionsi.Dipangil Vleclu,Bunga berwarna biru yang disetiap helainya membentuk garis berwarna kuning.HIbari juga menambahkan kalau Bunga Vleclu selalu tumbuh di dekat pohon pinus,dan juga bisa dimakan.Mentah ataupun matang rasanya sama saja,sangat manis seperti permen karet.Walau aku megingatnya aku tidak berniat memakannya.”Tapi aku bawah saja pulang dan meminta tolong kak Chung gang untuk membuatkannya.”.Aku berjalan lebih jauh lagi kearah hutan.Pohon-pohon menutupi sinar matahari.Tidak ada kabut disana.Tapi terlalu menyeramkan di sini,Karena tempat ini jauh dari rumah Kak Chung gang,jauh dari pemukiman warga,dan juga jalan menuju kota.”Lebih baik aku kembali sekarang.”Aku berlari kencang,saat aku berlari aku melihat kubuk dekat dengan sungai jernih.Seorang kakek keluar dari kubuk itu dan menoleh kearahku.Karena takut orang-orang yang mengawasiku menangkapku,Aku berlari lebih kencang lagi.Saat aku menoleh kebalakang,entah karena terlalu begitu cepat berlari karena itu kubuk itu sudah tidak ada lagi disana.
  Aku melihat Kak Chung gang dan juga Hibari turun dari kereta kuda.Mereka melihatku dan aku melihat mereka.Hibari meggegam  banyak sekali tas belanjaan yang berisi baju.Sedangkan Kak Chung gang membawa belanjaan makanan.Aku berlari kearah mereka.Dan mendapatkan jitakkan kepala dari Hibari yang sedikit lebih tinggi dariku.”Kau ini sudah dibilang jangan pergi ke hutan sendirian,Malah pergi ke sana!!”Kata Hibari membentak dan menjewer telingaku.”Sakiiiiiit.”Kataku berteriak kesakitan.HIbari melepaskan jewerannya setelah kami masuk ke rumah.Aku tidak bisa marah di sini.Karena memang dirikulah yang salah.Kak Chung gang sama sekali tidak mempedulikan perlakuan Hibari terhadapku.Kereta kuda yang membawa mereka berdua sudah pergi.”Hei.Berapa harga naik kereta kuda?”Tanyaku yang dijawab oleh Hibari.”Ya hanya 10son”katanya meletakkan tas belanjaan yang berisi baju-baju untukku.”10 son itu bukannya.55.000 ya.”Dia meganguk 2 kali dan menjawab ‘iya’.”Mahal sekali di duniaku saja tidak semahal itu.”.Aku berjalan kearah kak Chung gang dan menyerahkan bunga-bunga yang kudapatkan.”hei aku menemukan bunga Vleclu.Maukah kau membuatkannya untukku.Aku ingin mencobannya.”kataku berharap agar di menjawabya.Dia meggambil bunga Vleclu dan menaruhnya di panci.”Baiklah.Aku akan merebusnya untukmu.”jawabnya.Yang membuatku sangat gembira.”Apa ini?”tanyanya.”Ah! itu bunga yang kutemukan tidak jauh dari tempat aku menemukan Vleclu.Bunga itu hanya ada tiga tangkai dan sangat indah jadi aku megambilnya untuk dirawat.Entah mengapa ada suara yang memanggilku dari dalam bunga ini.Jadi aku membawannya pulang.Ah!Kau tidak suka ya!! Ma,ma,ma,maafkan aku….”.”Akukan belum bilang apa-apa.”Kak Chung gang megambil pot di dekat jendela pencuci piring dan meggambill ketiga bunga yang kubawa dan memasukkannya ke dalam pot.Lalu dia memberikannya kepadaku.”Rawatlah dengan baik.”Katanya tanpa ekspresi sama sekali,walau aku tau bawah dia tersenyum.Ketiga bunga yang memilki warna yang berbeda dan bentuknya yang mirip seperti bunga daisy.Tapi walau bentuknya seperti bunga daisy ada ssuatu yang special.Entah kenapa aku berpikir ada cahaya yang berbeda dari setiap bunga.Bunga yang pertama berwarna putih dan lebih besar dari yang lainnya.Ada warna yang megintarinya warna jeruk yang indah.Lalu yang kedua tepat didepan dan juga di tengah-tengah serta lebih kecil dari keduaanya.Warna bunganya kuning dikelilingin warna coklat mudah.Sedangkan yang terakhir tingginya sedang.Warna bunga jeruk yang dikelilingi warna biru yang indah.Aku terus menerus melihat bunga itu,sampai akhirnya Hibari mengagetkanku dengan sikat gigi warna orange yang ditaruh depanku.”wah!bagaimana kalian tau kalau di dunia atas aku suka memakai sikat gigi berwarna orange!”Kataku begitu senang.Mereka hanya melihat satu sama lain.”Cuman menebak!”kata mereka serempak.Dan memalingkan wajah mereka dariku.Aku hanya bisa tertawa melihat tingkah mereka.Dan berpikir ‘enaknya jika aku tetap disini bersama mereka’,Tapi aku harus membuang jauh perasaan itu.Jika tidak keluargaku pasti akan sangat khawatir sekarang.Dan juga aku harus mencari jalan keluar dari sini.”ehm.apa ini?”.Aku melihat segengam saimbara sirkus yang akan ada di pusat kota malam ini.”Sirkus The Melody World MagicSilakan datang malam ini jam 18:30.Sirkus yang hanya diadakan malam ini hingga perayaan di kerajaan tanggal 26 agustus.jangan melewatkan.”.Hibari megambil dari tanganku dan melihat serta menelitinya,lalu dia berjalan pergi kearah kak Chung gang yang sedang di dapur.Dan berbincang kata-kata yang tidak bisa kudengar.”Ully apa kamu mau kesini?”Tanya kak Chung gang menunjukkan saimbara sirkus The Melody World Magic.”Apa aku boleh kesana?!”.”Tentu saja boleh kalau kamu mau.”Jawabnya.Aku meganguk sangat kencang.Hibari memberikan tas belanjaan berisi baju untukku.Lalu dirikupun melesat menuju kamar mandi di lantai 2. Di dekat tangga.Besar,harum,rapi dan juga bersih.”Mereka laki-laki yang suka kebersihan.”kataku yang pasti tidak akan kukatakan kepada mereka.Dan menyalakkan shower air panas.

  Aku menurini  tangga,menuju kebawah.Mereka berdua melihatku yang memakai baju terusan warna biru muda,yang menutupi sampai mata kaki.Baju terusan yang indah yang ditengah-tengahnya pita putih yang di ikat kebelakang.Lengannyapun berenda-renda puih tumpuk 3 dan menutupi seluruh lenganku.kerah putih membntuk huruf v berenda membuatnya lebih terlihat cantik.”Apa kau suka?”Tanya Kak Chung gang kepadaku.Aku menuruni tangga dengan cepatnya.”Aku sangaaaaaaaaaaaat menyukainya..Hatiku bagaikan bunga-bunga kecil yang mekar di tanah lapang bukit adries.”.Kataku menghayal entah kemana.”Hahaha bukit adries itu apa?”Hibari tertawa datar.”Baru saja kubuat.”Kataku tetap dalam khayalan.Rambutku di kuncrit cepol ke belakang,dengan pita putih berenda yang panjang sampai kepinggul.”Ini bunga yang kau minta”.Kak Chung gang menyodori bunga Vleclu yang tidak ada bedanya dengan yang tadi.Aku megambil satu bunga Vleclu.Dan memasukkannya ke dalam mulut.Rasanya begitu kenyal dan manis seperti permen.”Enak!~”.Hibari megambil satu dan memasukkan permen Vleclu ke dalam mulutnya.”ini adalah permen yang tidak akan kamu temukan di dunia sana”Katanya meyombongkan dunianya.”Acarany nanti maish jam setengah tujuh.Masih lama lebih baik kami memperkenalkan pusat kota kepadamu.”.Kata Kak Chung gang meninggalkan aku dan Hibari berdua.”Dia pasti senang sekali.”Kata Hibari.Yang sempat membuatku bingung.”Aku ganti baju dulu,bersikaplah yang manis.”katanya berlari menaiki tangga.”Karena kamar Hibari kupakai, dia jadih harus tidur berdua dengan kak Chung gang.Dan berganti-gantian memakai kasur.Aku menyesal.”kataku menundukkan kepala.Mataku melihat permen Vleclu.”Aku bawah saja permen ini.”kataku.Setelah memasuki seluruh permen Vleclu yang kumasukkan ke tepak biru yang sangat bersih.Aku berjalan kearah ketiga bunga yang berbeda warnanya.”Aku akan memberimu nama.Hem…Ah! itu dia Adies nama yang bagus untuk bunga cantik seperti dirimu.”.Dan aku membawanya ke kamar dan menaruknya di beranda jendela kamar HIbari.”Ully cepatlah turun.Kami sudah siap.”Teriakkan bawah.Membuatku keluar dari kamar.Dan menuju ke bawah dengan telanjang kaki.Kak Chung gang memakai,kemeja hitam,jaket panjang hitam,celana hitam.Syal hitam,dan juga topi hitam.Intinya semuannya hitam.Tapi dia terlihat lebih dewasa dari umurnya.Entah mengapa ada aura bangsawan dari dirinya.Sedangkan Hibari memakai Kemeja putih dan juga tali panjang yang biasanya dipakai dari bahu dan dijepit di celana.Jaket Coklat yang menutupi sampai pahanya yang kurus.Dan celana hitam yang hanya sampai betis dan ditutupi kaos kaki hitam.Serta sepatu boot coklat.Sama dengan Chung gang Hibari juga memakai topi dan juga syal.Kedua tangganya dimasukkan kedalam saku jaketnya.”Udaranya sudah mulai dingin.Pakailah ini.”.Kak Chung gang melilitkan syal putih di sekitar leherku.Hangat termasuk tagganya.”Untuk jaga-jaga aku megambil ini tadi.”Aku menunjukkan tas panda yang di beli mereka untukku.Tas panda itu berisi permen Vleclu.Dan juga sarung tangan yang kuambil diam-diam. Hibari hanya tertawa dengan tingkah lakuku.Tapi menurutku itu berguna.Kami bertiga keluar dari rumah.Dan menaiki kereta kuda yang didorong oleh satu kuda.Taxi kuda munking lebih tepatnya.Seorang laki-laki tua sekitar 54 tahun yang mengendarai kereta kuda itu.Rambutnya putih,kulitnya pucat dan kurus.Serta mukannya tirus.”Hahaha akhirnya kau punya pacar ya Chung gang,”katanya.”Dia Bukan pacarku.Ully laki-laki tua ini Namanya Sebastian Clinford.Umurnya 54 tahun,dan suka melontarkan lelucon.Kadang kasar tapi kadang juga tidak.Besabarlah menghadapi orang tua ini.”Kata Kak Chung gang dengan mukanya yang datar.Kakek Sebastain hanya tertawa mendegarkan ucapan Kak Chung gang.”Walaupun cerah tapi udaranya cukup dingin.Ayo masuklah nona Ully.”Katanya membukakan pintu kereta kuda.Aku masuk duluan dan diikuti Hibari,dan yang terakhir Kak Chung gang.Dan kami pergi menuju kota.
To be Countinued.....

Jumat, 11 Februari 2011

TVXQ-(why) Keep Your Head Down and Dance ver.

Keep your head down U-Know time (Max)
You know what time it is?
This is return of the king

(Modu kkeutnabeoryeotda) nan sijakdo an haebwanneunde
(Heeojyeo beoryeotda) nan iyujocha mot deutgo
Jubyeon sarmdeul modu hanagachi nalbogo 
neo wae geurae Wae geurae wae geurae nan imi nappeun nom

(Joeramyeon) neol saranghan ge joeramyeon
(Geuge joeramyeon) jinsil haetdaneunge joeramyeon
(Naneun Keep it low, naneun Keep it low) nan chamanaego nae jaril jikyeo

(Keep your head down)
Neon jeongmal yeppeujiman neomu dareun neoui sogi nan neomu duryeowo
(Keep your head down)
Saranghaetda hajiman nan ije neol noketda

(Wae?) nal geureoke swipge tteonanni
(Wae?) naega swiwo boyeotdeon geoni
(Wae?) nae gaseumeun jjijeojijanha
(Wae?) modu han sunganui kkumieotdamyeon
(Wae?) berojabeul sigani isseotdamyeon
(Wae?) jebal nega haengbokhagil baraetda

Na, eonjena eonjena neoreul gajin geollo chungbunhaetgo
Sesangi mworaedo gateun kkumeul kkwoseo haengbokhaetgo
Jigeumeun neol bonaege dwaetjiman eochapi nae gireul galppunigo
Now I’m just chillin’, Feel like I’m healing

Neujeobeoryeotda, neon dasi doragal su eopdanda
Nega eopdamyeon nan muneojil geora mitgetji yejeonbuteo neon
Geugeon chakgagirago
naega wae geurae wae geurae wae geurae neol tailleotjanha

(Hey) nan jeongmal, jeongmal seulpeotda cheori eopdeon nega
Hoksirado neppeun saram mannalkka (Why baby?)

(Keep your head down)
Neon jeongmal yeppeo geunde geuppuniya ne gaseume jungyohange eomneungeol
(Keep your head down)
Sarangui apeumeul chamneun gaseume mot bakgo

(Wae?) nal geureoke swipge tteonanni
(Wae?) naega swiwo boyeotdeon geoni
(Wae?) nae gaseumeun jjijeojijanha
(Wae?) modu han sunganui kkumieotdamyeon
(Wae?) berojabeul sigani isseotdamyeon
(Wae?) jebal nega haengbokhagil baraetda

Ha, geureoke neo saram gatgo jangnan, jangnan chiji mara
Nae apeseon yoraejorae geojitmalmaneul neureonoko
Nuga bwado nuga bwado neon jeongmal ijungjeogiya
(Wae wae wae) sujeong gatdeon maeumdeuri eonje geureoke takhaejyeonni
Sarangeul kkeutnaetda neol bonaen gaseumi teong biwojyeotda
Hajiman nae miraeneun machi ireonaseo useurago sonjitanda
Neoreul bonaenda jeongmal haengbokhage sara (wae wae wae)
Meon hutnare meon hutnare geunyang pyeonhage utgo sipda 

(Wae?) wae
(Wae?) sarangeul geureoke swipge nwabeorineun neoreul
(Wae?) nugunga geokjeonghalgeoran saenggageun haebwanna
(Wae?) niga nwa beorin ge neoneun mwonji
(Wae?) ajik moreuneun geot gata
(Wae?) geudaero meomulleo nareul jikyeobwa

(Keep your head down)
Jiwojyeotda, sarajyeotda nae gaseume niga jugeo modu tabeoryeotda
(Keep your head down)
Jiwojyeotda, sarajyeotda nae gaseume niga jugeo neoneun ije eopda


Minggu, 05 Desember 2010

Strawberry Panic!

The plot of Strawberry Panic! revolves around the lives of the adolescents who attend one of three affiliated all-girl schools which share a campus and dormitories. The schools are: St. Miator's Girls' Academy, St. Spica's Girls' Institute, and St. Lulim's Girls' School. The story's main character is Nagisa Aoi, a young girl entering her fourth year at St. Miator after being transferred from another school. On first entering the campus grounds she is overcome with joy by the overall appearance of the surrounding area, but her joy is soon turned to sorrow as she accidentally stumbles down a hill, causing her to be lost and disoriented. While walking around the grounds trying to work out where she is, Nagisa comes across an older student named Shizuma Hanazono, who happens to be Astraea Hill's Etoile, a very important person who acts as a representative between the different schools and has specific duties that she must fulfill. Nagisa is instantly overcome by Shizuma's beauty and finds that she cannot move. After Shizuma kisses her on the forehead, Nagisa loses consciousness and awakens in the school's infirmary. In an adjacent chair is another girl of the same age, Tamao Suzumi, who informs her that they are to be roommates in the dormitory.
In the ensuing story Nagisa is introduced to other students from each of the three schools; some she admires, some she is intimidated by, and some are merely friends encountered while attending St. Miator. The series encompasses the relationships the characters build with each other, climaxing whenever two of the characters start dating. The central focus of Strawberry Panic! is the lesbian aspect to the relationships between the girls from the three schools. Depending on the media type, the depiction of the relationships between the girls is variously presented, with more explicit fan service – appealing visuals of the girls in provocative situations astronomical star– in the anime adaptation than in the manga or light novels. A hint of  imagery is seen throughout the series, as well as minor Catholic religious undertones including a St.Mary statue on campus and a large Catholic church in the center of Astraea Hill.
St. Miator's Girls' Academy:
St. Miator's Girls' Academy  is the oldest of the three schools; Miator is known for upholding old traditions. It was founded on a monastery and is seen as the school for "brides", reinforced by the existence of extracurricular classes including tea ceremony , flower arrangement, and Japanese dancing.It is not unusual for students to be engaged before graduation. The school uniform is a long black dress, designed in the Gothic lolita fashion. At Miator, the class names are associated with objects from nature, such as moon , flower  and snow . In the Strawberry Dorms, there is a concept called the room temp system for students from Miator. Every underclassman entering the dormitories, if they are chosen to serve the upperclassman as room temps, perform maid duties, which include cleaning the room of the students they are assigned to serve.
Nagisa Aoi is the main character of the story and the main love interest for the other three main characters attending Miator, each of whom is attracted to her. She is a cheerful girl who finds pleasure in making new friends, which she finds easy to do because of her open personality and sociable attitude. The first person she meets at Miator is Shizuma Hanazono, a mysterious upperclassman and one of the Etoile as the story begins, which gives Miator significant influence. Nagisa at first finds that she is strangely affected when in the presence of Shizuma. The next girl she meets is Tamao Suzumi,who becomes her close friend and roommate. Tamao is well-regarded among her fellow Miator students; among the first-years, she is seen as a viable Etoile candidate. The last main character from Miator is Chiyo Tsukidate, a timid first year student who is employed as the room temp for Nagisa and Tamao.

St. Spica's Girls' Institute:
St. Spica's Girls' Institute  has the white colored buildings and uniforms, and was built after Miator. The school prizes itself in advancing the independence of women who play a role in improving society.It is well known for its culture and the accomplishments of its sports program compared to the other two schools. Spica has what is known as the St. Spica Choir, or the "Saintly Chorus", which consists of students from Spica who perform at special events and even concerts for students at Astraea Hill. At Spica, the class names are numbers in French, such as un (one), deux (two), and trois (three). Spica and Miator compete with each other quite aggressively, which often ends in dispute when students from these two schools get together.
Hikari Konohana, a shy and quiet girl, is the main focus among the main characters who attend Spica. Much like Nagisa at Miator, she too has three girls wanting to get close to her. The first is Yaya Nanto, a rebellious girl who is Hikari's best friend and roommate in the dormitory. Both she and Hikari are members of the St. Spica Choir. Hikari meets an older girl named Amane Ohtori early on in the story who is seen much like a prince from a fairy tale by other Spica students due to often riding a white horse named Star Bright. Amane is admired by many of the students from Spica as well as students from the other two schools, although she does not enjoy the attention. The final girl from Spica is Tsubomi Okuwaka, a young first year student who acts maturely for her age and gets on Yaya's nerves. She too is in the St. Spica Choir although Hikari was her main motivation for joining. Tsubomi once remarked that Yaya was more skilled than Hikari at singing in the choir.
St. Lulim's Girls' School:
St. Lulim's Girls' School  is the newest of the three schools, and has pink colored buildings and uniforms. Its uniform is modeled after a traditional japenese school unifrom  style. At Lulim, the class names are the letters from the  Latin alphabet: A, B, C, etc. Students at St. Lulim's are traditionally free and relaxed, and are rarely seen fighting. The students enjoy a lot of freedom in terms of activities, or the clubs they are allowed to form. In effect, there are a wide range of clubs at St. Lulim's ranging from dancing, to cooking, to anything else a group of at least three people can think up.
Of the three schools, St. Lulim  has the least emphasis on romance between characters, although the Lulim characters are typically found together. The leader of their friendly group is Chikaru Minamoto, the student council president of Lulim, and a born leader. She has a friendly and supportive personality which she often uses to offer advice or simply a shoulder to cry on. The other three girls include Kizuna Hyūga, a very outgoing and excitable girl who enjoys following Chikaru's decisions, finding fun in doing so. She is very expressive in her actions and words, not wasting a chance to introduce herself to anyone new. Her close friend is Remon Natsume, who is much like Kizuna in personality, but is not as accident-prone as her. Of the pair, Kizuna is the more talkative; Remon often agrees with her companion and will offer up an opinion when need be. Lastly, there is Kagome Byakudan, the youngest of the group, who is typically accompanied by her stuffed bear Percival which she often talks to as if it were alive. Although she does not talk or express her emotions much, she has a heightened perception of others' emotions and can tell when those around her are distraught or in emotional pain.
Etoile system:
Etoile  is a French word meaning star. The Etoile system of Astraea Hill is employed as the internal politics between the schools and governs school operations. Little is shown as to the influence the teachers an sisters have on the inter-school politics. The system is designed for two Etoiles to be instated at the same time in order to work as a team. In the anime, Shizuma Hanazono is the sole Etoile,(the other Etoile having died), which is explained in the latter part of the story. The two Etoiles are seen as figureheads for Astraea Hill. Although Astraea has three schools, both Etoiles must come from the same school. They have certain specific duties, such as greeting new students arriving at Astraea Hill, participating in important school events, and serving as mediator between disputes in student council meetings of the three schools, among others. They are given a private greenhouse in which to grow flowers for use during school events.
The Etoiles are elected after going through what is known as The Etoile Election , which consists of three competitions in the light novels and the manga versions.The higher scoring pairs from the first two competitions carry on to the third competition, and the pair that wins the third competition becomes the Etoile Couple. Once the winners have been named, a special ceremony marks the end of the election, at which the president of the student council from the school that won the election presents two necklaces for the winners to wear during their tenure as Etoiles. They are both identical except for the colors of the pendants: one is red, the other is blue. The older student receives the blue pendant and the younger of the two is given the red pendant.

Attending Miator:

Nagisa Aoi:

Nagisa Aoi is the main character.Nagisa suddenly transfers to an all-girls school called St. Miator Girl's Academy. The reason she transferred is because her parents went overseas for work, leaving Nagisa behind. Nagisa ended up transferring to Miator after her aunt, who is a past graduate of St. Miator, the oldest school of Astraea Hill, recommended she attend.
She seems to have a peppy personality, which can usually cause her to get in trouble if it gets the best of her. This trait is apparently quite distinguishing, as Amane Ohtori from Spica had commented that the other Miator students remind her of 'caged birds', but that Nagisa is extraordinarily different. One might theorize that she is one of few Miator students not deeply enmeshed in that school's traditions and customs and therefore more free-spirited and more likely to act according to her own impulses, rather than according to expected patterns. She certainly has a gift for energizing her surroundings and the people around her. At first, whenever Nagisa gazed into the eyes of Shizuma Hanazono, she was unable to move, as if paralyzed. Later on, she develops a strong attraction towards Shizuma; the Etoile may very well be Nagisa's first love.
Other things about her include that Nagisa is easily frightened, making her tremble at even the slightest mention of something scary, especially ghosts. This continues the theme that she tends to be more childish than most of the rest of the students her age. She has a large appetite, especially for sweet foods. Also, she admires others for their artistic abilities. She herself has displayed an aptitude for acting and the piano, both nurtured through interaction with Shizuma. She is a fairly talented actress, being able to take over the lead role of carmen when Chikaru is injured. Her weakness is French, for which she requires tutoring from Miyuki and Shizuma.

Tamao Suzumi:

Tamao Suzumi  is Nagisa's roomate. She is the first person Nagisa gets to get to know at the school and Tamao even helps Nagisa by showing her around the campus by introducing her to several of the other students. After an interesting introduction, Tamao early on showed interesnt in Nagisa and it quickly became apparent that she has a crush on her, which eventually turned into love. It is this attraction she has that gives her a sense of determination to be around Nagisa. Unfortunately for Tamao, Nagisa herself appears to remain oblivious to the depth of Tamao's feelings, and considers her only as a best friend throughout the series. Tamao often goes overboard with regards to her obsession with Nagisa, for example, calling her 'my Nagisa', scaring her just to capture her 'cute' screams on tape and taking full body measurements of her under the pretense of ordering a school uniform when, in actuality, she just wants to write this 'precious data' in her notebook.
Tamao has a nice, helpful personality and sometimes enjoys gossiping about other people when it comes to matters of love and attraction. Also, Nagisa and Tamao tend to be a lot alike, in that they are both usually filled with energy and share a lot of the same interests.
Highly literate, she is a member of the Literature Club and loves to write poems. She writes the script for Astraea's adaption of carmen. She is well-regarded among her fellow Miator students; many of the first-years see her as a viable Etoile candidate.

Shizuma Hanazono:

The current Etoile, Shizuma Hanazono  is a highly respected and much beloved person to most of the other students attending the three schools. She looks very mysterious and also seems to have a number of secrets to match this visage. This makes her a difficult person to figure out or to even talk to for someone just meeting her. Most of her secrets - and personal problems - seem to be related to her prior relationship with Kaori Sakuragi.
She is very skilled on the piano and likes to play it constantly. Much of the time, she doesn't enjoy the dull work of the Etoile, so she often finds ways to skip on her duties, much to the annoyance of Miyuki Rokujō. However, Nagisa manages to persuade Shizuma to resume performing her duties. She is a skilled actress and has participated in Astraea's annual play twice in a row, playing Don Jose in the production of carmen. She is also noted to excel in French.
Shizuma seems to have developed a crush on Nagisa and has also been seen showing interest in other girls. Despite initially seeing Nagisa as 'just one more pretty girl' to get close with, Shizuma eventually comes to see her as different, displaying a very strong possessive streak with regards to Nagisa. Early in the development of her relationship with Nagisa, she is only trying to replace the hole in her heart left by her former Etoile partner and first love, Kaori, who had died the same year they had been elected the Astrea Hill Etoile. Towards the end of the anime, after a series of guilt-ridden conflicts and her own self-discovery, Shizuma realizes she is truly in love with Nagisa.

Chiyo Tsukidate:

Chiyo Tsukidate  is a young girl who recently arrived at Astraea Hill, where she quickly became the "room temp" (a younger student appointed to perform cleaning duty as a maid for senior students, who in return receives help with studies and, presumably, other matters from those same seniors) for Nagisa and Tamao, which incidentally is exactly what she wanted. Chiyo tends to be a very shy girl who is unable to articulate herself forcefully enough most of the time and is also rather a klutz. Additionally, she too seems to have a crush on Nagisa, who she refers to as Nagisa-onee-sama, which can also be construed as a form of admiration and idolism on her part. Also, she is a member of the Library Club and works as a librarian in Astraea's Library.
Chiyo tries to do her best most of the time, especially when around Nagisa, though things do not always go her way. So far, she has been very grateful to be employed as the room temp for Nagisa and Tamao, but especially because of her chance to be close with Nagisa.

Miyuki Rokujo:

Miyuki Rokujō  is the  student council president of Miator, Miyuki tries her best at doing her job in keeping everything in line. She is stern, yet understanding, and quite sensitive; Shizuma describes her as a crybaby. Often, when Shizuma is neglecting her duties as the Etoile, she gets annoyed at her and scolds her about it, which makes them seem more like a mother-child pair than as classmates. The two have been rooming together since they arrived at Miator years earlier, but their "parent-child" roles were initially reversed as Shizuma comforted the young homesick Miyuki. Nevertheless, the two seem to be close friends and have considerable knowledge of and insight into each other. After the death of Kaori Sakuragi, Miyuki became Shizuma's assistant and has remained a confidante of some importance. It is implied that she has unrequited feelings for Shizuma despite having to marry a fiancé decided at birth after she graduates. When Shizuma forcefully kisses Miyuki as a 'joke', she sees this as cruel perhaps because she is being made to taste what she cannot have. While she wishes for Shizuma to be happy and encourages her, she seems uncomfortable with Shizuma's relationship with Kaori and later Nagisa, albeit for different reasons.
As the student council president, she has several responsibilities to attend to. So far, she has had to intervene into a few of Nagisa's mistakes, making sure that she understands the rules of the school. When in student council meetings, she usually gets in disputes over Astraea matters with Shion Tōmori, the student council president of Spica.

Kaori Sakuragi:

Kaori Sakuragi  was a young girl who came to attend Miator starting off in her first year. Ever since she was young, Kaori has been physically weak due to an affliction which remains unnamed, but apparently affected her breathing and possibly her heart. It was due to being this weak since birth that she spent most of her elementary school years at home, too sick to attend. She had a placid personality, and dealt with her condition with surprisingly good grace.
Upon arrival at Miator, she was entrusted to Miyuki and Shizuma in order to look after her and make sure she had a worthwhile experience while at the school. Eventually, Kaori and Shizuma formed an intimate relationship, which is why when Shizuma entered to become the next Etoile, she chose Kaori as her partner. However, by the time they both had become Etoile, Kaori's body had deteriorated too much and before long she died, leaving Shizuma with a broken heart. Kaori apparently anticipated some of Shizuma's response and left her a letter, which Shizuma is unfortunately very late to find.

Attending Spica

Hikari Konohana:

A rather shy and quiet girl most of the time, Hikari Konohana tends to not be very outspoken and it usually takes a lot for her to say what is really on her mind. Much like Nagisa Aoi, Hikari is also a transfer student, arriving at Spica in the second year. In that same year, she joined the St. Spica Choir (also known as the Saintly Chorus) with her best friend and roommate Yaya Nanto. Later, she starts to develop a crush on Amane Ohtori, and they begin showing intense feelings of attraction for one another.
She tends to be a physically weak girl who is fairly easy to be taken advantage of, much to her dismay. Unpleasant experiences related to her vulnerability seem to have inspired some fear of unexpected physical proximity in her. She does, however, have friends that look out for her well being. Hikari also seems to be very religious and can be seen praying within the church or at the Spica fountain with a statue depicting the virgin mary  on the school grounds.

Yaya Nanto:

Yaya Nanto  is Hikari's roommate. She is a somewhat forceful girl who also seems to look out for Hikari, who she is in love with. She often has to force herself to smile as she helps Hikari get closer to Amane, and could only watch them from afar. So far, she has tried to become closer with Hikari, but due to Hikari's interest in Amane, Yaya is always shot down. This tends to make Yaya very depressed and reserved, causing her to avoid human contact for a time.
Yaya is good friends with Hikari though they've only known each other for about a year once the story begins. Yaya got Hikari to join the St. Spica Choir the previous year, most likely in an attempt to give her more self-esteem which she seems to be lacking in, though Hikari did show interest in singing as well. Yaya is one of the most talented members of the choir, as noted by Tsubomi Okuwaka, though seems to need more dedication, as noted by Hikari.
She also has a rebellious side, sometimes going against school rules or what is normally accepted. She tends to be very outspoken and enjoys criticizing other students she dislikes. However, when it comes to matters of love, she seems to be very shy about her feelings, substituting words with actions, sometimes with adverse results. Especially when Hikari talks about her feelings for Amane in front of her. She loves to tease people. Also, she rather dislikes first year students - such as Tsubomi Okuwaka - because they are noisy and annoying; at least for a time. It is implied that she starts thinking more of Tsubomi at the very end of the series.

Amane Ohtori:

Amane Ohtori  appears to be a very loved and respected member of the school, much like Shizuma Hanazono, although she is more of a local celebrity of Spica. She is often seen riding a white horse named Star Bride, which makes her seem more like a prince (a title which Shizuma later marks her with) from a fairy tale. Furthermore, she has a very masculine appearance, and in effect, a lot of the students at St. Spica are her fans. She tends to have a silent demeanor, which also makes her seem intimidating, making her difficult to talk with or approach. It seems that she is actually quite shy and states that she dislikes being the center of attention, causing her to decline acceptance of presents from her many fangirsl (with the exception of Hikari).
She is a strong candidate to become the next Etoile, but it doesn't seem she wants to accept the title. This could be due to her not wanting all the attention or possibly because she just doesn't want to take on all the responsibility of representing the three schools. She too has a crush on Hikari, showing her affection much in the way a man does for a woman. Amane, much like Yaya, looks out for Hikari and protects her when need be.

Tsubomi Okuwaka:

Tsubomi Okuwaka  tends to act mature for her age, and is often capable of cowing senior students by pure force of personality. She also seems to have a crush on Hikari, although she calls it pure admiration. Also, she often lectures Hikari and Yaya when they do something wrong in regards to their school work and responsibilities. She is a member of the St. Spica Choir along with Hikari and Yaya and it is believed that the reason she joined was because of Hikari, though Tsubomi denies this. There are some very faint indications that Tsubomi may be developing an interest in Yaya, later in the series. As vague as these indications are, it is uncertain whether the interest is of a purely friendly or a romantic nature.
Tsubomi sometimes gets embarrassed when around Hikari due to either what Hikari says or of what others say. She tends to get angry or flustered easily, giving her an outspoken and very expressive personality. In effect, she can be loud in her opinions of others.
In the light novels and manga, she is the secretary for the student council of Spica.

The student council president of Spica, Shion Tomori is a very shrewd girl and is constantly scheming something. However, despite her initial demeanor, she is moderate in personality and rather disinclined towards extreme measures and outright obstructionism. This is in contrast to her associates Kaname Kenjō and Momomi Kiyashiki.
After the current Etoile graduates, she would like very much for an attendant of Spica to become the next Etoile and is constantly pushing for this to take place. Her best bet right now is to try to convince Amane Ohtori to consider the position, though Shion has had much trouble already trying to convey this to her.
When in student council meetings, she argues a lot with Miyuki Rokujō, the student council president from Miator, regarding Astraea matters and how the Etoile, who is from Miator, tends not to attend such meetings. In such meetings, she is able to express the dominant side of her personality, often becoming very animated.

Kaname Kenjo:

Kaname Kenjo   is a very domineering, forceful, and devious girl who is also on the student council for Spica. She often likes to take matters into her own hands when Shion - or Kaname herself - doesn't get her way. Kaname apparently considers herself irresistible and has no interest in objections to the contrary. Much like Amane, her appearance and personality make her seem more masculine than feminine. She is later revealed to be jealous of Amane, who has effortlessly defeated her at everything since she first came to Spica. It is also suggested that she felt an attraction to Amane at one point, or at least that her self-comparison to Amane has become a central factor of her life.
Her main friend and ally is Momomi Kiyashiki, who is very much like Kaname in personality. In the anime, they share a sexual relationship and are in love with each other; they are the first explicitly lesbian couple depicted in the series. Together, they are the closest thing to antagonists in the story. Ironically, since Kaname is usually the instigator of their plans, she also seems to possess the strongest sense of personal honor, desiring victory through achievement, not forfeit.
Unknown to Shion, her current plot, with help from Momomi, is to help Spica gain the Etoile title. Also unknown to Shion, she apparently wishes to claim the title for herself and Momomi, which means she is scheming against Shion's favored candidate as well. Her tactics have centered around disqualifying the only other candidate, Amane, by isolating her from her only potential running mate for the position, Hikari. Her methods, which she herself has termed as 'seduction', might more justifiably be called attempted rape. She also has a tendency to favor self-aggrandizement over cooperation, and will go so far as to be a deliberate obstructionist if she does not get her way.
In the light novels and manga, Kaname has a slightly different appearance, the most notable trait being her long hair. She is clearly in love with Amane and wants to become an Etoile with her.

Momomi Kiyashiki:

Somewhat of a snob, Momomi Kiyashiki sees Spica as being superior to the other schools of Astraea. Being on the student council for Spica, Momomi helps by giving advice to Shion or agreeing with most of what Kaname says and suggests. This makes her seem like not much of an important character, though she serves to continue the conflict between Amane and Kaname, and her unconditional support may be pivotal for Kaname's behavior. When Kaname thinks up a plan, she helps her carry out it out, but tries not to get directly involved, watching from the sidelines instead.
In Momomi's personal and sexual relationship with Kaname, she is ironically usually the most aggressive partner. Even more ironic is the fact that she is madly in love with Kaname, and constantly wants her loving attention. Eventually it is discovered that Kaname may have not loved Momomi as much as Momomi loved Kaname, due to Kaname having an intense interest in Amane since early on. Momomi ultimately discovers this which leads her to slap Kaname and leave her with a broken heart. However, Kaname is later able to leave Amane in her past and move on with her life. It is implied that Kaname and Momomi start anew.

Attending Lulim

Chikaru Minamoto:

Chikaru Minamoto has shown herself to be a natural leader as she is the president of several functions: the student council of Lulim, the Transformation Club (where members cosplay various themes), the Secret Club (where members try to solve mysteries), and a variety of other clubs which she regularly creates, such as the Waiting First in Line Club. She has a friendly personality and enjoys helping others when they need it, which makes her an excellent candidate for the student council. Also, Chikaru tends to be very knowledgeable about the schools and their inner workings. When in Astraea student council meetings, she often lets the other two school representatives argue with each other while she sits back and observes their behavior. She is not easily perturbed and frequently helps out those who have trouble, regardless which school they attend.
Chikaru has exhibited a strong familiarity and faculty with the arts in costume design, costume creation and acting. She plays the title role in Astraea's production of carmen, as well as designing the costumes for the show. In the manga and light novels, she has a bit of a more hidden agenda that she sees Lulim as a dark horse and sees the conflict between Spica and Miator as a means to push Lulim to prominence.

Kizuna Hyuga:

Kizuna Hyuga  seems very outgoing, hyper and a bit of a klutz. She spends a lot of time with Chikaru Minamoto and Remon Natsume, making her a part of the Transformation and Secret Clubs. She tends to be very expressive in her actions and words, not wasting any chance to introduce herself to someone new.
Since Chikaru is her senpai and student council president, Kizuna enjoys following Chikaru's decisions and finds a lot of fun in doing so, whether they be club related or not. Since she is only in her second year at Lulim, she tends to be rather immature compared to others.
Additionally, she may be in an intimate relationship with Remon, though this is still uncertain. What is certain is that they sometimes share a bed (which, admittedly, is no firm indicator of physical intimacy in this series), that they are often depicted holding hands or touching, and that they have kissed at least once in front of an unimpressed Chikaru. This latter act may have been no more than her way to cheat and win a thumb wrestling match, although the fact that this act distracted Remon sufficiently might be telling in and of itself.

Remon Natsume:

Remon Natsume is much like Kizuna in personality, though not as clumsy, she is also one of the members of the Transformation and Secret Clubs. She tends to be more serious than Kizuna, though she doesn't miss the chance to get excited about matters such as love and attraction.
Remon and Kizuna seem to have known each other long enough to become best friends and in effect they are almost always seen together. When it comes to the two of them, Kizuna usually does most of the talking while Remon often agrees with her companion, though she will offer up an opinion when need be.
As stated above, she may be in an intimate relationship with Kizuna, though this is still uncertain. However, she appeared decidedly unhappy when Kagome was sharing a room with them during summer school.

Kagome Byakudan:

Kagome Byakudan  seems very childish since she carries around a teddy bear named Percival  everywhere she goes and talks to him constantly, even referring to him as if he were a real person. She is soft-spoken and seems rather sad and lonely at times because she doesn't seem to know a lot of people or have many friends. She is passive in that she often speaks through Percival, saying things such as 'Percival thinks..', rather than 'I think...' She becomes friends with Chikaru, Kizuna and Remon after following them around for a while and gradually becoming a member of their tight-knit group. She is apparently also fond of Nagisa Aoi from Miator, who she refers to as Nagisa-onee-sama, due to an incident between them which involved an umbrella.
She seems to have a high degree of artistic abilities, as is shown when she is building sand castle, or acting as Romeo Montague in Romeo and Juliet. She also seems to have a heightened perception of others' emotions and can tell when those around her are deeply distraught or in emotional pain.